The Aquatek Aerator
The all in one aerator that will remove up to 10 ppm hydrogen sulfide and 10 ppm of iron contaminants!
Don't suffer from iron staining or rotten egg smells anymore!

Rust staining on sink drains or in the shower can be removed!
If your water has the sulfur odor of “rotten eggs”, if there are iron stains on your sinks and bathtubs, if you use large amounts of soap to clean dishes, wash your hair or suffer the “orange hair” effect sometimes caused by iron water, you probably have water that can be successfully treated with an Aquatek Aerator iron and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) removal system.
Left untreated, iron minerals will cause yellow/brown stains on fixtures and clothing, clogged pipes and appliances, shortened service lives for dishwashers, washing machines and water heaters, all adding to the cost of maintaining appliances while increasing the amount of energy consumed in your home.
The Aquatek Aerator Eliminates Iron & the Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S).
Water Softeners eliminate the effects of hard water; the Aquatek Aerator eliminates iron and removes the objectionable effects of hydrogen sulfide or H₂S and iron staining. The Aquatek Aerator will also protect your water softener from iron fouling when placed before the water softener. Removing iron before it gets to your water softener will not only protect your water softener, it will allow your water softener to work more efficiently by removing only the hardness in the water and in most situations will save you money by lowering the amount of salt used each year.
Whether it’s rust stains in your sinks and laundry, or the “rotten egg” smell of hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) when you turn on a tap, your water problems can cause you and your family more than embarrassment and frustration. Iron and Hydrogen Sulfide (H₂S) can damage your fixtures and plumbing, discolor your laundry or create unpleasant odors in drinking water and showers.
Soft Water That Is Iron & Odor Free Makes a Difference You Can See & Feel
In the Bathroom
No more iron stains or rotten egg odor. Soap and shampoo will lather better. Hair and skin will feel noticeably cleaner. And when used with a water softener, your iron free, odor free water will be soap scum free, without mineral deposits to clean off sinks, showers, tubs and toilets.
In the Laundry
Without iron or H₂S in the water, clothes will be whiter and brighter. Plus, they will last longer. Add a water softener and increase the life of clothing, towels and linens by up to 33% and add even longer service life to your appliances.
In the Kitchen
No iron stains on the sink, no objectionable odor while running water for cooking, cleaning or drinking. Dishes will clean more easily and, by adding a water softening unit, your dishes will be spot free without the film glasses get when etched by mineral-laden water.
Throughout the House
Water using appliances will last longer and run better. Why? Because water heaters, washing machines and dishwashers using iron laden, hard water can wear out 30% faster, while consuming more energy than an appliance using iron free, H₂S free, soft water.
The Aquatek Aerator Difference
Dose your water smell like rotten eggs? It is likely, Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S Synonyms & Trade Names Hydrosulfuric acid, Sewer gas, Sulfuretted hydrogen) is a silent killer in high concentrations. Hydrogen sulfide often results from the bacterial breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen, such as in swamps and sewers and can be pulled up from underground by means of a well; this process is commonly known as anaerobic digestion.
0.01-1.5 ppm is the odor threshold for hydrogen sulfide (when rotten egg smell is first noticeable to some). Odor becomes more offensive at 3-5 ppm. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has set Recommended Exposure Limits - (NIOSH REL) @ : C 10 ppm (15 mg/m3) [10-minute].
Long term health effects? Some people who breathed in levels of hydrogen sulfide high enough to become unconscious continue to have headaches and poor attention span, memory, and motor function after waking up. Problems with the cardiovascular system have also been reported at exposures above permissible exposure limits. People who have asthma may be more sensitive to hydrogen sulfide exposure. That is, they may have difficulty breathing at levels lower than people without asthma.
Low-level exposure to hydrogen sulfide is not uncommon. Some states have developed ambient air standards for hydrogen sulfide well below OSHA and NIOSH standards, recognizing a chronic human health risk for the gas. However, most of these standards are presumably set with industrial emission sources in mind. Residential exposure, especially indoors, is not generally addressed in state and federal regulation. Exposure in a residential setting can come from nearby industrial and agricultural sources, oil and gas development, and wastewater treatment plants, all are generally regulated sources. However, exposure to hydrogen sulfide from contaminated drinking water is an exposure route often not covered by regulation, especially rural drinking water supplies from groundwater. A relatively low amount of Hydrogen sulfide gas of 2 ppm can cause bronchial constriction in asthmatic individuals.
0-10 ppm Irritation of eyes, nose, and throat.
2 ppm Bronchial constriction in asthmatic individuals, spontaneous abortion
5-9.3 ppm Increased blood lactate concentration, decreased skeletal muscle citrate synthase activity
10-50 ppm Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, difficulty breathing
150-250 ppm Olfactory paralysis
50-200 ppm Severe respiratory tract irritation, eye irritation/acute conjunctivitis, shock, convulsions, coma and death in severe cases
There are a lot of homes and businesses here on the Treasure Coast that have hydrogen sulfide coming into their structures from the well. People usually don't smell the hydrogen sulfide until they turn on the water. A faucet aerator (or tap aerator) is often found at the tip of modern indoor water faucets. Aerators can be simply screwed onto the faucet head, creating a non-splashing stream and often delivering a mixture of water and air. As air enters the water, the hydrogen sulfide gas is released and that is really when you get a good whiff of those rotten eggs.
We have been into structures where the smell of rotten eggs has lingered due to lack of ventilation which, has caused it to permeate into the structure itself or has simply become attached the structural surfaces in some way. Even after adequate ventilation to evacuate the oder, the smell of rotten eggs was noticed again during subsequent visits of the recently closed structure.
Until recently, the most common solution for water that contains iron or hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) involved the use of harsh chemicals and complicated equipment, requiring regular care and service by the homeowner or a water treatment professional. This method of removing iron and hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smells) from the water is costly!
The Aquatek Aerator, now offers the “natural” solution for removing iron and H₂S. A proven patented technology that uses natures own oxidation process to eliminate iron and hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) without chemicals, without air compressors, without aerators and without external ventures including extra pumps or extra plumbing that could lower your water pressure. The Aquatek Aerator uses natures own oxidation process, leaving you with fresh, clean, odor free water throughout your home or business.
All of your water using appliances will lead longer lives. Dishwashers, automatic washers and, of course, your water heater will benefit from having reduced iron and H₂S, adding years to the life of major appliances and postponing expensive repair and replacement.
How the Aquatek Aerator Works
Typical removal of hydrogen sulfide is through aeration of the water before it enters the structure. This was originally done and still in practice by some companies, by pumping the water from the well then, spraying the water through jet nozzles to force it to mix with the air before landing into a pool of water in a tank. The water in the tank was then pumped out by another pump and re-pressurized and in some cases injected with chlorine. The water would then go through a carbon filter and then through a water softener. The expense of this is high due to all the equipment required for removing the hydrogen sulfide. Some of these systems would require additional holding tanks depending on the consumption of water required for that structure and could start to push the $8000.00 mark.
We have a better solution! A solution that eliminates the aerator tank, additional water pumps and chemical pumps, the extra plumbing involved and especially the toxic chlorine which is a never ending expense in this type of aeration system. You just don't need all that stuff!
Our 3rd generation Aquatek Aerator filter is all you need!
The Aquatek Aerator filter, aerates the water as it enters the unit and effectively releases up to 10 ppm of the gas from the water. The water free of hydrogen sulfide gas then passes through our special mix of catalytic filter media that continues to filter the water to remove any impurities which may have been present in the water due to the hydrogen sulfide content and other chemicals as well. This is one system that eliminates all the other items needed by aerating the water the old way and costs less than $2000,00 to have installed on a typical 3 bedroom house. Simply eliminating the cost of chlorine will pay for the unit purchase and installation over time.
The Aquatek Aerator:
- Stops iron stains from occurring
- Provides clean, odor free water
- Protects your water softener equipment from ”iron fouling”
- Protects plumbing fixtures, appliances and clothing
- Protects pipes from iron clogging and black oxidation caused by H₂S
- Eliminates the need for chemical feed treatment systems
All you have to do is give us a call and we will test your water for the presence of hydrogen sulfide and if you have iron issues this unit will remove up to 10 ppm as well of, Iron(II) oxide (ferrous oxide) or more commonly referred to by the locals as rust.